Weekly meeting

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(Upcoming journal club & Progress report schedule)
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== Upcoming journal club & Progress report schedule ==
== Upcoming journal club & Progress report schedule ==
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  '''DATE Journal, Progress'''
  '''DATE Journal, Progress'''
== '''2024''' ==
10/25 JK LEE, SE TOLA (9:00AM)
11/08 SC CHA, JJ LEE
11/22 Z AVAZBAEVA, JK LEE (9:00AM)
12/04 (Thur. 6PM) YN JEON, Srinivasarao Kancharla
12/19 JJ LEE, Z AVAZBAEVA (9:30)
12/29 JK LEE, SE TOLA (9:30)
  2024/01/05 Sona
  01/10 Srinivasarao Kancharla, WM SUNG
  2024/01/12 Siheon?
01/17 SC CHA, JJ LEE
  2024/01/19 Sophea
2024/02/02 Sokhuoy
2024/02/07 Sona
2024/02/16 Siheon
2024/02/23 Sophea
=== October 20, 2023 ===
Title :Structure at the air/water interface in the presence of phenol: a study using heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation and molecular dynamics simulation [https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2018/cp/c7cp05150f]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== September 15, 2023 ===
Title :Molecular characteristics of the mixed cationic/anionic collector interface probed by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167732223012126?via%3Dihub]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== August 18, 2023 ===
Title :In situ investigation of the oxidation of a phospholipid monolayer by reactive oxygen species [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349522008943?via%3Dihub]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== July 21, 2023 ===
Title :Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation by the Quadrupolar Mechanism at the Nonpolar Benzene/Air Interface [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/jz400829k]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== June 16, 2023 ===
Title :Stealthy Player in Lipid Experiments? EDTA Binding to Phosphatidylcholine Membranes Probed by Simulations and Monolayer Experiments [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c03207]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== May 26, 2023 ===
Title :Phenylalanine intercalation parameters for liquid-disordered phase domains – a membrane model study [https://bmcbiophys.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13628-018-0047-z]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== April 21, 2023 ===
Title :New Insights into Cation- and Temperature-Driven Protein Adsorption to the Air–Water Interface through Infrared Reflection Studies of Bovine Serum Albumin [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00249]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== March 24, 2023 ===
Title :Magnesium Ion Responses of Zwitterionic Phosphatidylethanolamine Head and Tail Groups Elucidated by Frequency-Resolved SFG-VS [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03593]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== February 10, 2023 ===
Title :Elucidating Trivalent Ion Adsorption at Floating Carboxylic Acid Monolayers: Charge Reversal or Water Reorganization? [https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/63cf7229ae221a5ace3b0b8f]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== January 13, 2023 ===
Title :Molecular Hydration Tunes the Cation–π Interaction Strength in Aqueous Solution [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/admi.202201732]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
== DECEMBER 2014 ==
=== December 16, 2022 ===
Title :The effects of melatonin, serotonin, tryptophan and NAS on the biophysical properties of DPPC monolayers [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005273620302030]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== DECEMBER 27 ===
=== November 25, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141227.Jonggwan.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title :Infrared Reflection−Absorption Spectroscopy of α‑Hydroxyacids at the Water−Air Interface [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpca.2c04462]
  Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== DECEMBER 20 ===
=== October 21, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141220.JJLEE.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title :Unraveling Tryptophan Modulated 2D DPPC Lattices: An Approach toward Stimuli Responsiveness of the Pulmonary Surfactant [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/jp207814g]
  Presenter: J.J.Lee
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== DECEMBER 13 ===
=== September 02, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141213.WMSUNG.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title: Interaction of alpha-Synuclein with Phospholipids and the Associated Restructuring of Interfacial Lipid Water: An Interface-Selective Vibrational Spectroscopic Study [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ange.202011179]
  Presenter: W.M. SUNG
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== DECEMBER 4 ===
=== August 19, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141204.YNJEON.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title: A survey study of concentration dependence of SDS on air/water interface and SDS-salt mixture
  Presenter: Y.N.JEON
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== July 29, 2022 ===
Title: Contact Ion Pair Formation Is Not Necessarily Stronger [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03576]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
== NOVEMBER 2014 ==
=== July 02, 2022 ===
Title: Specific Ion Effects of Trivalent Cations on the Structure and Charging State of β-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layers [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01803]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== NOVEMBER 29 ===
=== June 04, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141129.SETOLA.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title: Isoelectric Points of Proteins at the Air/Liquid Interface and in Solution [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b00311]
  Presenter: SE TOLA
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== NOVEMBER 22 ===
=== May 07, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141122.ZAURE.PDF|Enhanced ordering of water at hydrophobic surfaces]] <br />
  Title: DNA-Induced Restructuring of Interfacial Water and the Hydrocarbon Chain of Different Forms of Fungicide at the Water Interface: Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Study [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c10084]
  Presenter: Z.AVAZBAEVA
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== NOVEMBER 8 ===
=== April 02, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141108.SCCHA.PDF|Ionic liquids studied by THz spectroscopy]] <br />
  Title: (1)Protonation State of Dopamine Neurotransmitter at the Aqueous Interface: Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Study [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c02505] (2) Salting-Up of Surfactants at the Surface of Saline Water as Detected by Tensiometry and SFG and Supported by Molecular Dynamics Simulation [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c08114]
  Presenter: S.C.CHA
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== NOVEMBER 1 ===
=== March 05, 2022 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141101.SINGH.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title: DNA-Induced Reorganization of Water at Model Membrane Interfaces Investigated by Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c08581]
  Presenter: D.K.SINGH
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== Feb 05, 2022 ===
Title: Chemical Potential Driven Reorganization of Anions between Stern and Diffuse Layers at the Air/Water Interface [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c06925]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
== OCTOBER 2014 ==
=== Jan 08, 2022 ===
Title: Role of Hydration in Magnesium versus Calcium Ion Pairing with Carboxylate: Solution and the Aqueous Interface [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06108]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== OCTOBER 25 ===
Title: [[Media:20141025.JKLEE.PDF|Giant Rydberg excitons in the copper oxide Cu2O]]  <br />
Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
=== OCTOBER 18 ===
=== Dec 04, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141018.JJLEE.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title: Interfacial Structure and Interfacial Tension in Model Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c00403]
  Presenter: J.J.LEE
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== OCTOBER 11 ===
=== Oct 30, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:14.10.11SWM.pdf|Vibrational Sum-frequency spectrum of Water Bend at the Air/water Interface]] <br />
  Title: Organic Enrichment at Aqueous Interfaces Cooperative Adsorption of Glucuronic Acid to DPPC Monolayers Studied with Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpca.9b02255]
  Presenter: W.M.SUNG
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== OCTOBER 4 ===
=== Sep 25, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20141004.SETOLA.PDF|TBA]<br />
  Title: (1)Vibrational sum-frequency generation at protein modified air–water interfaces: Effects of molecular structure and surface charging [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359029414000326] (2) Mixed Layers of β‑Lactoglobulin and SDS at Air−Water Interfaces with Tunable Intermolecular
  Presenter: SE TOLA
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
== SEPTEMBER 2014 ==
=== Aug 20, 2021 ===
Title: Partially Hydrated Electrons at the Air Water Interface Observed by UV-Excited Time-Resolved Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.6b02171]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== SEPTEMBER 25 ===
=== July 16, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140925.ZAURE.PDF|Unified molecular picture of the surface of aqueous acid, base, and salt solutions]] <br />
  Title: Melatonin directly interacts with cholesterol and alleviates cholesterol effects in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers [https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2013/sm/c3sm52064a]
  Presenter: Z. AVAZBAEVA
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== SEPTEMBER 19 ===
=== June 11, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140919.SCCHA.PDF|Ionic liquids studied by XPS]] <br />
  Title: Molecular-level origin of the carboxylate head group response to divalent metal ion complexation at the air–water interface [https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1818600116]
  Presenter: S.C.CHA
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== SEPTEMBER 12 ===
=== May 07, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140912.SINGH.PDF|TBA]] <br />
  Title: Interactions between model cell membranes and the neuroactive drug propofol [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021979718302984]
  Presenter: D.K.SINGH
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== SEPTEMBER 06 ===
=== Apr 23, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140906.JKLEE.PDF|Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Study of an Ionic Liquid at a Graphene-BaF2(111) Interface]]  <br />
  Title: Ewald-Oseen Extinction Theorem by H Serhat Tetikol [http://tetikol.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/tetikol-ewaldpaper.pdf]
  Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
  Presenter: Sona
== AUGUST 2014 ==
=== Apr 02, 2021 ===
Title: (1)Restructuring of membrane water and phospholidpids in direct interaction of neurotransmitters with model membranes associated with synaptic signaling: Interface-selective vibrational sum frequency generation study [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c00173]
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== AUGUST 27 ===
=== Mar 19, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140827.JJLEE.PDF|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Influence of the Experimental Geometry in the Spectral Shape and Enhancement.[https://doi.org/10.1021/jp306838a]
  Presenter: J.J.LEE
[[File:2021.03.19--Effect_of_Geometry_SFG_Solid_liquid_interface.pdf‎ ]]
  Presenter: Sona
=== AUGUST 23 ===
=== Feb 10, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:14.08.21SWM.pdf|Recent Progress in high Resolution Broadband SFG (HRBBSFG)]]  <br />
  Title: An SFG Study of Interfacial Amino Acids at the Hydrophilic SiO2 and Hydrophobic Deuterated Polystyrene Surfaces.[https://doi.org/10.1021/ja1101954]
  Presenter: W.M. SUNG
  Presenter: Sona
=== AUGUST 18 ===
=== Jan 22, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140818.SETOLA.PDF|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: (1)Interfacial supramolecular structures of amphiphilic receptors drive aqueous phosphate recognition.[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpca.0c09568]
  Presenter: SE TOLA
        (2)Molecular recognition and hydration energy mismatch combine to inform ion binding selectivity at aqueous interfaces.[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.9b02148]
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== AUGUST 9 ===
=== Jan 08, 2021 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140809.zaure.pdf|Development of a two-color picosecond OPO, pumped by a Nd:YAG laser mode locked using a nonlinear mirror, for DR-SFG spectroscopy]]  <br />
  Title: Cation Pi interaction by Dougherty 2013. [https://doi.org/10.1021/ar300265y]
  Presenter: Zaure
  Presenter: Sona
=== AUGUST 2 ===
Title: [[Media:20140802.SINGH.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
Presenter: SINGH
== JULY 2014 ==
=== 2020 ===
=== JULY 25 ===
Title: [[Media:20140725.SCCHA.pdf|Modified Sagnac Interferometer for high-sensitivity magneto-optic measurements at cryogenic temperatures]]  <br />
Presenter: S.C.CHA
=== JULY 19 ===
Title: [[Media:20140719.JKLEE.pdf|Potential-dependent structure of the interfacial water on the gold electrode]]  <br />
Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
=== JULY 14 ===
=== Dec 11, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140714.JJLEE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Effect of cations on the dissociation of Arachidic acid monolayers on water studied by polarization-modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy
  Presenter: J.J.LEE
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== JULY 4 ===
=== Dec 04, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:14.07.05SWM.pdf|Vibrational dynamics of Bending mode of Water Interacting with ions]] <br />
  Title: Anion specific effects at negatively charged interfaces
  Presenter: W.M. SUNG
  Presenter: Sona
== JUNE 2014 ==
=== Nov 20, 2020 ===
Title: Background study of cation-pi interaction
Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== JUNE 28 ===
=== Oct 30, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140628.SETOLA.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Resolving the Controversy over Dipole versus Quadrupole Mechanism of Bend Vibration of Water in Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectra
  Presenter: SE TOLA
  Presenter: Sona
=== JUNE 21 ===
=== OCT 08, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140621.SCCHA.pdf|NMR Spin Echo]]  <br />
  Title: pH-Dependent inversion of Hofmeister trends in the water structure of electrical double layer
  Presenter: S.C.CHA
  Presenter: Sokhuoy
=== JUNE 14 ===
=== Sep 25, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140614.SINGH.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Interfacial water in the vicinity of a positively charged interface studied by steady-state and time-resolved heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation
  Presenter: SINGH
  Presenter: Sona
=== JUNE 7 ===
=== Aug 28, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140607.JKLEE.pdf|Optical identification of atomically thin dichalcogenide crystals]]  <br />
  Title: Effects of Monolayer Density and Bulk Ionic Strength on Acid-Base Equilibria at the Air/Water Interface
  Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
  Presenter: Sona
== MAY 2014 ==
=== June 19, 2020 ===
Title: Direct Measurement of Charge Reversal on Lipid Bilayers Using Heterodyne-Detected Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy
Presenter: Sona
=== MAY 31 ===
=== May 29, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140531.JJLEE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Direct Quantification of Water Surface Charge by Phase-Sensitive Second Harmonic Spectroscopy
  Presenter: J.J.LEE
  Presenter: Sona
=== MAY 24 ===
=== May 01, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:14.05.24SWM.pdf|Second Harmonic Generation of Monolayer MoS2]] <br />
  Title: A General Approach To Combine the Advantages of Collinear and Noncollinear Spectrometer Designs in Phase-Resolved Second-Order Nonlinear Spectroscopy
  Presenter: W.M. SUNG
  Presenter: Sona
=== MAY 17 ===
=== Mar 21, 2020 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140517.SETOLA.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Consistency in the Sum Frequency Generation Intensity and Phase Vibrational Spectra of the Air/Neat Water Interface
  Presenter: SE TOLA
  Presenter: Sona
=== MAY 10 ===
Title: [[Media:20140510.ZAURE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
Presenter: .
=== MAY 3 ===
Title: [[Media:20140503.ZAURE.pdf|Generating electricity by moving a droplet of ionic liquid along graphene]]  <br />
Presenter: SC Cha
== APRIL 2014 ==
=== 2019 ===
=== APRIL 26 ===
Title: [[Media:20140426.ZAURE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
Presenter: .
=== APRIL 19 ===
Title: [[Media:20140419.JKLEE.pdf|Physical origin of the Gouy phase shift]]  <br />
Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
=== APRIL 12 ===
=== Dec 20, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140412.ZAURE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Characterization of Acid–Base Interactions Using Interface-Sensitive Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
  Presenter: .
  Presenter: Sona
=== APRIL 5 ===
=== Nov 20, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:14.04.04SWM.pdf|Rotational Structures of Water in a Hydrophobic Environment : Carbon Tetrachloride]] <br />
  Title: Probing Charged Aqueous Interfaces Near Critical Angles: Effect of Varying Coherence Length
  Presenter: W.M. SUNG
  Presenter: Sona
== MARCH 2014 ==
=== Oct 11, 2019 ===
Title: Ultrabroadband mid-infrared noncollinear difference frequency generation in a silver thiogallate crystal
Presenter: Sona
=== MARCH 29 ===
=== Sep 11, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140329.ZAURE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Capturing the Ultrafast Vibrational Decoherence of Hydrogen Bonding in Interfacial Water
  Presenter: .
  Presenter: Sona
=== MARCH 21 ===
=== Aug 19, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140321.ZAURE.pdf|Monomolecular films of ODA at the air-water interface]] <br />
  Title: Effect of hydrogen-bond on ultrafast spectral diffusion dynamics of water at charged monolayer interfaces
  Presenter: Z.AVAZBAEVA
  Presenter: Sona
=== MARCH 15 ===
=== July 29, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140315.SCCHA.pdf|Generating electricity by moving a droplet of ionic liquid along graphene]]  <br />
  Title: Arginine–Phosphate Recognition Enhanced in Phospholipid Monolayers at Aqueous Interfaces
  Presenter: S.C. CHA
  Presenter: Sona
=== MARCH 10 ===
=== July 13, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140310.singh.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: A newcomer’s guide to ultrashort pulse shaping and characterization
  Presenter: singh
  Presenter: Sona
=== MARCH 01 ===
=== May 17, 2019 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140301.JKLEE.pdf|Ramsey-comb spectroscopy with intense ultrashort laser pulses]]  <br />
  Title: Saturation of charge-induced water alignment at model membrane surfaces
  Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
  Presenter: Sona
=== April 27, 2019 ===
Title: Phase-Sensitive Sum-Frequency Generation Measurements Using a Femtosecond Nonlinear Interferometer
Presenter: Sona
== FEBRUARY 2014 ==
=== Feb 23, 2019 ===
Title: Flexible high-resolution broadband sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy for intrinsic spectral line widths
Presenter: Sona
=== FEBRUARY 22 ===
=== Dec 15, 2018 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140222.JJLEE.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Interfacial water structure at surfactant concentrations below and above the critical micelle concentration as revealed by sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy
  Presenter: J.J. LEE
  Presenter: Sona
=== FEBRUARY 14 ===
=== May 05, 2018 ===
  Title: [[Media:14.02.14.SWM.pdf|Recent Progress in theoretical analysis of vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy]]  <br />
  Title: Bulk contributions modulate the Sum-Frequency Generation Spectra of Interfacial Water on Model Sea-Spray Aerosols
  Presenter: W.M. SUNG
[https://chemrxiv.org/articles/Bulk_Contributions_Modulate_the_Sum-Frequency_Generation_Spectra_of_Interfacial_Water_on_Model_Sea-Spray_Aerosols/5743638 [https://chemrxiv.org/articles/Bulk_Contributions_Modulate_the_Sum-Frequency_Generation_Spectra_of_Interfacial_Water_on_Model_Sea-Spray_Aerosols/5743638]]
  Presenter: K.Sona
=== FEBRUARY 08 ===
=== April 11, 2018 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140208SETOLA.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Compact, high-repetition-rate source for broadband sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
  Presenter: SE.TOLA
  Presenter: K.Sona
=== December 26, 2017 ===
Title: Effect of salt purity on interfacial water orientation and Na+/Carboxylic headgroup interaction
Presenter: K.Sona
== JANUARY 2014 ==
=== December 09, 2017 ===
Title: Effect of Cations on the Dissociation of Arachidic Acid Monolayers on Water Studied by Polarization-Modulated Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy
Presenter: K.Sona
=== October 30, 2017 ===
Title: Optical Parametric Amplification
Presenter: K.Sona
=== September 09, 2017 ===
Title: Fourier-transform sum-frequency surface vibrational spectroscopy with femtosecond pulses [https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.24.001877 [https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.24.001877]]
Presenter: K.Sona
=== JANUARY 25 ===
=== May 27, 2017 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140125ZAURE.pdf|Ion-Induced Reorientation and Distribution of Pentanone in the Air-Water Boundary Layer]]  <br />
  Title: Molecular conformation of DPPC phospholipid Langmuir and Langmuir–Blodgett monolayers studied by heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy [http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2017/cp/c6cp07800a [http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2017/cp/c6cp07800a]]
  Presenter: Z.AVAZBAEVA
  Presenter: K.Sona
=== JANUARY 18 ===
=== April 24, 2017 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140118SCCHA.pdf|Binary ILs with a Common cation]]  <br />
  Title: Change of the isoelectric point of hemoglobin at the air/water interface probed by the orientational flip-flop of water molecules [https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C6CP08854F [https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C6CP08854F]]
  Presenter: S.C.CHA
  Presenter: K.Sona
=== JANUARY 11 ===
=== March 04, 2017 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140111singh.pdf|TBA]]  <br />
  Title: Weakly Hydrogen-Bonded Water Inside Charged Lipid Monolayer Observed with Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b09229 [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b09229]]
  Presenter: singh
  Presenter: K.Sona
=== JANUARY 4 ===
=== January 07, 2017 ===
  Title: [[Media:20140104JKLEE.pdf|Ramsey-comb spectroscopy with intense ultrashort laser pulses]]  <br />
  Title: Progress Report" Optical Alignment" AND " Gain+Phase matching calculation of BBO I and BBO II in OPA system of fs set up"
  Presenter: Jonggwan LEE
  Presenter: K.Sona
=== December 31, 2016 ===
Title: Comparative Study of Direct and Phase-Specific Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy: Advantages and Limitations [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp2079023 [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp2079023]]
Presenter: K.Sona
=== Nov 26 ===
Title: [[Media:20161126.pdf|Nanoconfinement's dramatic impact on proton exchange between glucose and water]] 
Presenter: S.C. Cha
=== Nov 12 ===
Title: Theory of Quadrupole Contributions from Interface and Bulk in Second-Order Optical Processes [http://www.journal.csj.jp/doi/abs/10.1246/bcsj.20120167 [http://www.journal.csj.jp/doi/abs/10.1246/bcsj.20120167]]
[[File:Saturday_Nov_12,_2016_-_section_4.ppt‎ ]]
Presenter: Sona Krem
=== Oct 1 ===
Title: [[Media:20161001JJLee.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: J.J. Lee
=== Oct 8 ===
Title: [[Media:20161008JJLee.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: J.J. Lee
=== Oct 15 ===
Title: [[Media:2016.10.16SWM.pdf|Spatio-temporal characterization of mid-infrared laser pulses with spatially encoded spectral shearing interferometry]] 
Presenter: Woongmo Sung
== September 2016 ==
=== Sep 3 ===
Title: [[Media:20160903sona.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Krem Sona
=== Sep 12 ===
Title: [[Media:20160912sunchul.pdf|FTIR study of ion solvation and ion-pair formation in alkaline and alkaline earth metal salt solutions in acetonitrile]] 
Presenter: S. C. Cha
=== Sep 24 ===
Title: [[Media:20160924sona.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Krem Sona
== August 2016 ==
=== Aug 27 ===
Title: [[Media:2016.08.27SWM.pdf|Self-Assembly of DNA Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles at the Liquid-Vapor Interface]] 
Presenter: Woongmo Sung
=== Aug 20 ===
Title: [[Media:20160820Zaure.pdf|Surface pH and Ion Affinity at the Alcohol-Monolayer/Water Interface Studied by Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy]]
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva
=== Aug 13 ===
Title: [[Media:20160813Jonggwan.pdf|Bend Vibration of Surface Water Investigated by Heterodyne-Detected Sum Frequency Generation and Theoretical Study: Dominant Role of Quadrupole]]
Journal link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00657
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee
=== Aug 6 ===
Title: [[Media:20160806uno.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Uno Song
== July 2016 ==
=== Jul 30 ===
Title: [[Media:20160730Zaure.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Jaejin Lee
=== Jul 22 ===
Title: [[Media:20160722sunchul.pdf|Interaction between ionic liquid cation and water: infrared predissociation study of [bmim]+(H2O)n clusters]]
Presenter: Sunchul Cha
=== Jul 16 ===
Title: [[Media:20160716Sona.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Krem Sona
=== Jul 2 ===
Title: [[Media:2016.07.02SWM.pdf|Phase Reference in Phase-Sensitive Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy]] 
Presenter: Woongmo Sung
== June 2016 ==
=== Jun 25 ===
Title: [[Media:20160625Zaure.pdf|Cations Bind Only Weakly to Amides in Aqueous Solutions]] 
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva
=== Jun 18 ===
Title: [[Media:20160618uno.pdf|TBA]]
Presenter: Uno Song
=== Jun 11 ===
Title: [[Media:20160613Jaejin.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Jaejin Lee
=== Jun 4 ===
Title: Rehearsal for master thesis defense
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee
== May 2016 ==
=== May 28 ===
Title: Sinchon Solid State Physics Workshop
Presenter: Sunchul Cha
=== May 21 ===
Title: [[Media:2016.05.28SWM.pdf|Second Harmonic and Sum-frequency Generation from Aqueous Interfaces is modulated by Interference]]
Presenter: Woongmo Sung
=== May 14 ===
Title: [[Media:20160514adam.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Adam Turner
=== May 7 ===
Title: [[Media:20160507sona.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Krem Sona
== April 2016 ==
=== Apr 30 ===
Title: [[Media:20160430Zaure.pdf|Ionic Binding of Na+ versus K+ to the Carboxylic Acid Headgroup of Palmitic Acid Monolayers Studied by VSFG Spectroscopy]] 
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva
=== Apr 25 ===
Title: [[Media:20160422jonggwan.pdf|Ultrafast Photoluminescence from Graphene]]
Journal link: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.127404
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee
=== Apr 9 ===
Title: [[Media:20160409Jaejin.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Jaejin Lee
=== Apr 1 ===
Title: [[Media:20160401Sunchul.pdf|Vibrational Stark Effect on CN mode]] 
Presenter: Sunchul Cha
== March 2016 ==
=== Mar 26 ===
Title: [[Media:16.03.25SWM.pdf|Proton Availability at the Air/water Interface]] 
Presenter: Woongmo Sung
=== Mar 19 ===
Title: [[Media:20160319Adam.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Adam Turner
=== Mar 12 ===
Title: [[Media:20160312Yoonnam.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Yoonnam Jeon
=== Mar 5 ===
Title: [[Media:20160305Zaure.pdf|Effect of the Degree of Dissociation of Molecules in a Monolayer at an Air/Water Interface on the Force Between the Monolayer and a Like-Charged Particle in the Subphase]] 
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva
== February 2016 ==
=== Feb 24 ===
Title: [[Media:20160227Jonggwan.pdf|Polymer Adsorption on Graphite and CVD Graphene Surfaces Studied by Surface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy]]
Journal link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02025
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee
=== Feb 20 ===
Title: [[Media:20160220Jaejin.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Jaejin Lee
=== Feb 13 ===
Title: [[Media:20160213Sunchul.pdf|Hydrophobic IL]] 
Presenter: Sunchul Cha
=== Feb 5 ===
Title: [[Media:16.02.05SWM.pdf|Unveiling Microscopic Structure of Charged Interfaces by Surface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy]] 
Presenter: Woongmo Sung
== January 2016 ==
=== Jan 30 ===
Title: [[Media:20160130Adam.pdf|TBA]] 
Presenter: Adam Turner
=== Jan 23 ===
Title: [[Media:20160123JEON.pdf|Droplet polydispersity and shape fluctuations in AOT microemulsions]] 
Presenter: Yoonnam Jeon
=== Jan 16 ===
Title: [[Media:20160116Zaure.pdf|Phospholipid monolayer/water interfacese]] 
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva
=== Jan 9 ===
Title: [[Media:20160109Jonggwan.pdf|Graphene on Mica - Intercalated Water Trapped for Life]]
Journal link: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep06003
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee
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== [[weekly meeting 2014]] ==
== [[weekly meeting 2014]] ==
== [[weekly meeting 2013]] ==
== [[weekly meeting 2013]] ==
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=== files presentated before 2008 can be found in [[SMOS ftp|SMOSFTP]]. ===
=== files presentated before 2008 can be found in [[SMOS ftp|SMOSFTP]]. ===

Latest revision as of 15:45, 24 September 2024

Upcoming journal club & Progress report schedule

DATE Journal, Progress


2024/01/05 Sona
2024/01/12 Siheon?
2024/01/19 Sophea
2024/02/02 Sokhuoy
2024/02/07 Sona
2024/02/16 Siheon
2024/02/23 Sophea


October 20, 2023

Title :Structure at the air/water interface in the presence of phenol: a study using heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation and molecular dynamics simulation [1]
File:Journal 10.20.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

September 15, 2023

Title :Molecular characteristics of the mixed cationic/anionic collector interface probed by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations [2]
File:Journal 09.15.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

August 18, 2023

Title :In situ investigation of the oxidation of a phospholipid monolayer by reactive oxygen species [3]
File:Journal 08.18.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

July 21, 2023

Title :Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation by the Quadrupolar Mechanism at the Nonpolar Benzene/Air Interface [4]
File:Journal 07.21.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

June 16, 2023

Title :Stealthy Player in Lipid Experiments? EDTA Binding to Phosphatidylcholine Membranes Probed by Simulations and Monolayer Experiments [5]
File:Journal 06.16.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

May 26, 2023

Title :Phenylalanine intercalation parameters for liquid-disordered phase domains – a membrane model study [6]
File:Journal 05.26.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

April 21, 2023

Title :New Insights into Cation- and Temperature-Driven Protein Adsorption to the Air–Water Interface through Infrared Reflection Studies of Bovine Serum Albumin [7]
File:Journal 04.21.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

March 24, 2023

Title :Magnesium Ion Responses of Zwitterionic Phosphatidylethanolamine Head and Tail Groups Elucidated by Frequency-Resolved SFG-VS [8]
File:Journal 03.24.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

February 10, 2023

Title :Elucidating Trivalent Ion Adsorption at Floating Carboxylic Acid Monolayers: Charge Reversal or Water Reorganization? [9]
File:Journal 02.10.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

January 13, 2023

Title :Molecular Hydration Tunes the Cation–π Interaction Strength in Aqueous Solution [10]
File:Journal 01.13.2023.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy


December 16, 2022

Title :The effects of melatonin, serotonin, tryptophan and NAS on the biophysical properties of DPPC monolayers [11]
File:Journal 12.16.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

November 25, 2022

Title :Infrared Reflection−Absorption Spectroscopy of α‑Hydroxyacids at the Water−Air Interface [12]
File:Journal 11.25.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

October 21, 2022

Title :Unraveling Tryptophan Modulated 2D DPPC Lattices: An Approach toward Stimuli Responsiveness of the Pulmonary Surfactant [13]
File:Journal 10.21.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

September 02, 2022

Title: Interaction of alpha-Synuclein with Phospholipids and the Associated Restructuring of Interfacial Lipid Water: An Interface-Selective Vibrational Spectroscopic Study [14]
File:Journal 09.02.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

August 19, 2022

Title: A survey study of concentration dependence of SDS on air/water interface and SDS-salt mixture
File:Journal 08.19.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

July 29, 2022

Title: Contact Ion Pair Formation Is Not Necessarily Stronger [15]
File:Journal 07.29.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

July 02, 2022

Title: Specific Ion Effects of Trivalent Cations on the Structure and Charging State of β-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layers [16]
File:Journal 07.02.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

June 04, 2022

Title: Isoelectric Points of Proteins at the Air/Liquid Interface and in Solution [17]
File:Journal 06.04.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

May 07, 2022

Title: DNA-Induced Restructuring of Interfacial Water and the Hydrocarbon Chain of Different Forms of Fungicide at the Water Interface: Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Study [18]
File:Journal 05.07.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

April 02, 2022

Title: (1)Protonation State of Dopamine Neurotransmitter at the Aqueous Interface: Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Study [19] (2) Salting-Up of Surfactants at the Surface of Saline Water as Detected by Tensiometry and SFG and Supported by Molecular Dynamics Simulation [20]
File:Journal 04.02.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

March 05, 2022

Title: DNA-Induced Reorganization of Water at Model Membrane Interfaces Investigated by Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy [21]
File:Journal 05.03.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Feb 05, 2022

Title: Chemical Potential Driven Reorganization of Anions between Stern and Diffuse Layers at the Air/Water Interface [22]
File:Journal 05.02.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Jan 08, 2022

Title: Role of Hydration in Magnesium versus Calcium Ion Pairing with Carboxylate: Solution and the Aqueous Interface [23]
File:Journal 08.01.2022.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy


Dec 04, 2021

Title: Interfacial Structure and Interfacial Tension in Model Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers [24]
File:Journal 04.12.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Oct 30, 2021

Title: Organic Enrichment at Aqueous Interfaces Cooperative Adsorption of Glucuronic Acid to DPPC Monolayers Studied with Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation [25]
File:Journal 30.10.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Sep 25, 2021

Title: (1)Vibrational sum-frequency generation at protein modified air–water interfaces: Effects of molecular structure and surface charging [26] (2) Mixed Layers of β‑Lactoglobulin and SDS at Air−Water Interfaces with Tunable Intermolecular 
File:Journal 25.09.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Aug 20, 2021

Title: Partially Hydrated Electrons at the Air Water Interface Observed by UV-Excited Time-Resolved Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy [28]
File:Journal 20.08.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

July 16, 2021

Title: Melatonin directly interacts with cholesterol and alleviates cholesterol effects in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers [29]
File:Journal 16.07.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

June 11, 2021

Title: Molecular-level origin of the carboxylate head group response to divalent metal ion complexation at the air–water interface [30]
File:Journal 11.06.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

May 07, 2021

Title: Interactions between model cell membranes and the neuroactive drug propofol [31]
File:Journal 07.05.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Apr 23, 2021

Title: Ewald-Oseen Extinction Theorem by H Serhat Tetikol [32]
Presenter: Sona

Apr 02, 2021

Title: (1)Restructuring of membrane water and phospholidpids in direct interaction of neurotransmitters with model membranes associated with synaptic signaling: Interface-selective vibrational sum frequency generation study [33]
File:Journal 02.04.2021.pdf
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Mar 19, 2021

Title: Influence of the Experimental Geometry in the Spectral Shape and Enhancement.[34]
File:2021.03.19--Effect of Geometry SFG Solid liquid interface.pdf

Presenter: Sona

Feb 10, 2021

Title: An SFG Study of Interfacial Amino Acids at the Hydrophilic SiO2 and Hydrophobic Deuterated Polystyrene Surfaces.[35]
File:2021.02.10 - PS-quartz on Amino acid interface.pdf

Presenter: Sona

Jan 22, 2021

Title: (1)Interfacial supramolecular structures of amphiphilic receptors drive aqueous phosphate recognition.[36]
       (2)Molecular recognition and hydration energy mismatch combine to inform ion binding selectivity at aqueous interfaces.[37]
File:Journal 22.01.2021.pdf

Presenter: Sokhuoy

Jan 08, 2021

Title: Cation Pi interaction by Dougherty 2013. [38]
File:2021.01.08--Cation Pi interaction by Dougherty 2013.pdf

Presenter: Sona


Dec 11, 2020

Title: Effect of cations on the dissociation of Arachidic acid monolayers on water studied by polarization-modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy
File:Journal 11.12.2020.pdf

Presenter: Sokhuoy

Dec 04, 2020

Title: Anion specific effects at negatively charged interfaces

Presenter: Sona

Nov 20, 2020

Title: Background study of cation-pi interaction
File:Journal 20.11.2020.pdf

Presenter: Sokhuoy

Oct 30, 2020

Title: Resolving the Controversy over Dipole versus Quadrupole Mechanism of Bend Vibration of Water in Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectra

Presenter: Sona

OCT 08, 2020

Title: pH-Dependent inversion of Hofmeister trends in the water structure of electrical double layer
Presenter: Sokhuoy

Sep 25, 2020

Title: Interfacial water in the vicinity of a positively charged interface studied by steady-state and time-resolved heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation

Presenter: Sona

Aug 28, 2020

Title: Effects of Monolayer Density and Bulk Ionic Strength on Acid-Base Equilibria at the Air/Water Interface

Presenter: Sona

June 19, 2020

Title: Direct Measurement of Charge Reversal on Lipid Bilayers Using Heterodyne-Detected Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy

Presenter: Sona

May 29, 2020

Title: Direct Quantification of Water Surface Charge by Phase-Sensitive Second Harmonic Spectroscopy

Presenter: Sona

May 01, 2020

Title: A General Approach To Combine the Advantages of Collinear and Noncollinear Spectrometer Designs in Phase-Resolved Second-Order Nonlinear Spectroscopy

Presenter: Sona

Mar 21, 2020

Title: Consistency in the Sum Frequency Generation Intensity and Phase Vibrational Spectra of the Air/Neat Water Interface

Presenter: Sona


Dec 20, 2019

Title: Characterization of Acid–Base Interactions Using Interface-Sensitive Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy

Presenter: Sona

Nov 20, 2019

Title: Probing Charged Aqueous Interfaces Near Critical Angles: Effect of Varying Coherence Length

Presenter: Sona

Oct 11, 2019

Title: Ultrabroadband mid-infrared noncollinear difference frequency generation in a silver thiogallate crystal

Presenter: Sona

Sep 11, 2019

Title: Capturing the Ultrafast Vibrational Decoherence of Hydrogen Bonding in Interfacial Water

Presenter: Sona

Aug 19, 2019

Title: Effect of hydrogen-bond on ultrafast spectral diffusion dynamics of water at charged monolayer interfaces

Presenter: Sona

July 29, 2019

Title: Arginine–Phosphate Recognition Enhanced in Phospholipid Monolayers at Aqueous Interfaces

Presenter: Sona

July 13, 2019

Title: A newcomer’s guide to ultrashort pulse shaping and characterization

Presenter: Sona

May 17, 2019

Title: Saturation of charge-induced water alignment at model membrane surfaces

Presenter: Sona

April 27, 2019

Title: Phase-Sensitive Sum-Frequency Generation Measurements Using a Femtosecond Nonlinear Interferometer

Presenter: Sona

Feb 23, 2019

Title: Flexible high-resolution broadband sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy for intrinsic spectral line widths

Presenter: Sona

Dec 15, 2018

Title: Interfacial water structure at surfactant concentrations below and above the critical micelle concentration as revealed by sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy

Presenter: Sona

May 05, 2018

Title: Bulk contributions modulate the Sum-Frequency Generation Spectra of Interfacial Water on Model Sea-Spray Aerosols 

File:Journal 05.05.2018.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

April 11, 2018

Title: Compact, high-repetition-rate source for broadband sum-frequency generation spectroscopy

File:Journal meeting 11-April-2018.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

December 26, 2017

Title: Effect of salt purity on interfacial water orientation and Na+/Carboxylic headgroup interaction


Presenter: K.Sona

December 09, 2017

Title: Effect of Cations on the Dissociation of Arachidic Acid Monolayers on Water Studied by Polarization-Modulated Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy

File:Journal Club 2017.December.09.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

October 30, 2017

Title: Optical Parametric Amplification

File:Journal Club 30-10-2017 Optical Parametric Amplification.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

September 09, 2017

Title: Fourier-transform sum-frequency surface vibrational spectroscopy with femtosecond pulses [https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.24.001877]

File:JC 09.September. 2017.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

May 27, 2017

Title: Molecular conformation of DPPC phospholipid Langmuir and Langmuir–Blodgett monolayers studied by heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy [http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2017/cp/c6cp07800a]

File:Molecular conformation of DPPC.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

April 24, 2017

Title: Change of the isoelectric point of hemoglobin at the air/water interface probed by the orientational flip-flop of water molecules [https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C6CP08854F]

File:Journal Club 22-04-2017 slide.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

March 04, 2017

Title: Weakly Hydrogen-Bonded Water Inside Charged Lipid Monolayer Observed with Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b09229]

File:Journal Club 04-03-2017.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

January 07, 2017

Title: Progress Report" Optical Alignment" AND " Gain+Phase matching calculation of BBO I and BBO II in OPA system of fs set up"

File:Optical Alignment Pre OPA and OPA.ppt
File:Gain and Phase matching calculation of BBO I and II in OPA.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

December 31, 2016

Title: Comparative Study of Direct and Phase-Specific Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy: Advantages and Limitations [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp2079023]

File:Journal Club 31.12.2016.pdf

Presenter: K.Sona

Nov 26

Title: Nanoconfinement's dramatic impact on proton exchange between glucose and water  
Presenter: S.C. Cha

Nov 12

Title: Theory of Quadrupole Contributions from Interface and Bulk in Second-Order Optical Processes [http://www.journal.csj.jp/doi/abs/10.1246/bcsj.20120167]

File:Saturday Nov 12, 2016 - section 1 and 2.ppt
File:Saturday Nov 12, 2016 - section 3.ppt
File:Saturday Nov 12, 2016 - section 4.ppt
File:Saturday Nov 12, 2016 - section 5 and 6.ppt

Presenter: Sona Krem

Oct 1

Title: TBA  
Presenter: J.J. Lee

Oct 8

Title: TBA  
Presenter: J.J. Lee

Oct 15

Title: Spatio-temporal characterization of mid-infrared laser pulses with spatially encoded spectral shearing interferometry  
Presenter: Woongmo Sung

September 2016

Sep 3

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Krem Sona

Sep 12

Title: FTIR study of ion solvation and ion-pair formation in alkaline and alkaline earth metal salt solutions in acetonitrile  
Presenter: S. C. Cha

Sep 24

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Krem Sona

August 2016

Aug 27

Title: Self-Assembly of DNA Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles at the Liquid-Vapor Interface  
Presenter: Woongmo Sung

Aug 20

Title: Surface pH and Ion Affinity at the Alcohol-Monolayer/Water Interface Studied by Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva

Aug 13

Title: Bend Vibration of Surface Water Investigated by Heterodyne-Detected Sum Frequency Generation and Theoretical Study: Dominant Role of Quadrupole
Journal link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00657
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee

Aug 6

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Uno Song

July 2016

Jul 30

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Jaejin Lee

Jul 22

Title: Interaction between ionic liquid cation and water: infrared predissociation study of [bmim]+(H2O)n clusters
Presenter: Sunchul Cha

Jul 16

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Krem Sona

Jul 2

Title: Phase Reference in Phase-Sensitive Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy  
Presenter: Woongmo Sung

June 2016

Jun 25

Title: Cations Bind Only Weakly to Amides in Aqueous Solutions  
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva

Jun 18

Title: TBA
Presenter: Uno Song

Jun 11

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Jaejin Lee

Jun 4

Title: Rehearsal for master thesis defense
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee

May 2016

May 28

Title: Sinchon Solid State Physics Workshop
Presenter: Sunchul Cha

May 21

Title: Second Harmonic and Sum-frequency Generation from Aqueous Interfaces is modulated by Interference
Presenter: Woongmo Sung

May 14

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Adam Turner

May 7

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Krem Sona

April 2016

Apr 30

Title: Ionic Binding of Na+ versus K+ to the Carboxylic Acid Headgroup of Palmitic Acid Monolayers Studied by VSFG Spectroscopy  
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva

Apr 25

Title: Ultrafast Photoluminescence from Graphene
Journal link: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.127404
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee

Apr 9

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Jaejin Lee

Apr 1

Title: Vibrational Stark Effect on CN mode  
Presenter: Sunchul Cha

March 2016

Mar 26

Title: Proton Availability at the Air/water Interface  
Presenter: Woongmo Sung

Mar 19

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Adam Turner

Mar 12

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Yoonnam Jeon

Mar 5

Title: Effect of the Degree of Dissociation of Molecules in a Monolayer at an Air/Water Interface on the Force Between the Monolayer and a Like-Charged Particle in the Subphase  
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva

February 2016

Feb 24

Title: Polymer Adsorption on Graphite and CVD Graphene Surfaces Studied by Surface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy
Journal link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02025
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee

Feb 20

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Jaejin Lee

Feb 13

Title: Hydrophobic IL  
Presenter: Sunchul Cha

Feb 5

Title: Unveiling Microscopic Structure of Charged Interfaces by Surface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy  
Presenter: Woongmo Sung

January 2016

Jan 30

Title: TBA  
Presenter: Adam Turner

Jan 23

Title: Droplet polydispersity and shape fluctuations in AOT microemulsions  
Presenter: Yoonnam Jeon

Jan 16

Title: Phospholipid monolayer/water interfacese  
Presenter: Zaure Avazbaeva

Jan 9

Title: Graphene on Mica - Intercalated Water Trapped for Life 
Journal link: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep06003
Presenter: Jonggwan Lee

weekly meeting 2015

weekly meeting 2014

weekly meeting 2013

weekly meeting 2012

weekly meeting 2011

weekly meeting 2010

weekly meeting 2009

weekly meeting 2008

files presentated before 2008 can be found in SMOSFTP.

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