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Welcome to SMOS lab

Soft-matter Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory

Supported By The World Class University Program

and Mid-career Researcher Program (National Research Lab)

Open Positions

Postdoc positions

Postdoc positions are available in the field of either (1) single-molecule biophysics, or (2) ionic liquids.

For details, please contact
Click here for more information

M.A. and Ph.D. students

Graduate-level students interested in learning optical and spectroscopic techniques to investigate soft matters and biomolecules are always welcome to visit our lab.

We also can support undergraduate students interested in joining our group to see what happens in the lab as well!

Lab News

July 7, 2011

Prof. Tae-Kyu Ahn from Sung Kyun Kwan University will give a seminar on July 11th, 10AM-12AM at AS 414. The talk will cover his recent work on spectroscopic studies of the quantum effect on photosynthetic proteins.

June 27, 2011

Prof. Kim will be visit Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia from June 30 to July 3rd.

June 9, 2011

Prof. Kim and Sunchul will be out of town to Washington DC from June 13 to 20 to attend the Conference on Ionic Liquids.

May 13, 2011

Prof. Markus Raschke at University of Colorado is visiting our lab from May 20th to 22nd. He will give a seminar on 'Controlling optical fields in space and time for ultrafast nano-imaging and -spectroscopy' on 20th at 4:30pm at K406. We will have a group dinner (hosted by Prof. Shen and Mrs. Shen) afterwards at 7pm at Crystal Jade at Myung-Dong.

May 13, 2011

Our proposal on 'Physical Properties of Ionic Liquids' was finally chosen, for a support from NRF for the next 5 years!

Apr. 27, 2011

Prof. Shen and Mrs. Shen is visiting our lab again from May 3rd till May 22nd. We plan to have a group party on either May 4th or 6th.

Apr. 27, 2011

Prof. Xiaofeng Jin at Fudan University is visiting the deparment from May 1st till May 3rd. He will give a deparmental colloquium on May 3rd.

Apr. 1, 2011

Dr. Masahito Oh-e is visiting our lab from Apr. 28th till May 7th. He will give a seminar in the group meeting on May 6th.

more Lab News

Soft-matter Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory
Department of Physics and Interdisciplinary Program of Integrated Biotechnology
Room 1020, Ricci Hall, Sogang University
1 Sinsu, Mapo, Seoul, Republic of Korea 121-742
Tel. +82.2.705.8878
Fax. +82.2.711.4518
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