SMOS ftp

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SMOS ftp how to

IP add of the SMOS ftp is or you can use as well.

Just open the 'window explore' and type the ip or url with 'ftp://' instead of 'http://' at the address bar. However, you are encouraged to use a ftp client program s.a. filezilla rather then use the window explorer as it is much safe and stable.

You will be asked ID and PW when connected. Use the lab standard ID and PW, which can be found on the white board in room 1020.

Once logged in, You can put the file in the remote directory with 'copy and paste' or 'drag and drop'. Currently the remote directory contains two subdirectories named 'FTP_user' and 'www'. Put your file under 'FTP_user' directory for internal use only. If you want post your file on the SMOS website, go to 'www' directory.

Please contact webmaster, if you meet any problem.

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