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EMAIL: kshim(at) <br />
EMAIL: kshim(at) <br />
now at Samsung
now at Samsung
=== Yoonnam Jeon (전윤남, MS. in 2005, Ph.D. in 2010) ===
=== Yoonnam Jeon (전윤남, MS. in 2005, Ph.D. in 2010) ===

Revision as of 00:47, 9 March 2011

Doseok Kim, Professor



R1025, Department of Physics
Sogang University
Seoul. 121-742 Korea
EMAIL: doseok at
TEL: +82-2-705-8878
FAX: +82-2-711-4518


Seoul National University, B.A. (Physics), 1988.
University of California, Ph.D. (Physics), 1997.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. 1997~1998.
Sogang University, Dept. Physics, 1998~

Current interests

Spectroscopic study on soft condensed matter systems
Single-molecule biophysics and single-molecule spectroscopy
Fast dynamics (time-resolved absorption, photoluminescence) studied with ultrafast lasers



Y. R. Shen, WCU Visiting Professor


Professor Emeritus in Berkley
Research: Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science
EMAIL: yrshen(at)


Harvard University, Ph.D. (Advisor : N. Bloembergen), 1963
Harvard University, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1963-1964
University of California, Berkeley, Assistant Professor, 1964-1967
University of California, Berkeley, Associate Professor, 1967-1970
University of California, Berkeley, Professor, 1970-Present
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Materials & Chemical Sciences Division Principal Investigator, 1967-Present

Shen Group in Berkeley

Postdoctoral researchers

Now we are looking for a talented researcher. For detail click here Open positions

MingQi Ao

Image:MingQi_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: aomingqi(at)
Office: R1020

Joined group : Aug 2010
Current interest: Structure of ionic liquid

Ph.D. degree Students

Heasik Min (민해식, 13학기)

Image:Heasik_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: m1i2n3(at)
Office: R1020

MS. thesis topic :

Current interest:handmade SFG, Second Harmonic Phase Measurement

HeeSun Jun (MS. in 2004, 전희선, 13학기)

Image:HeeSun_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: lib1003(at)
Office: R1020

MS. thesis topic : Ultrafast third-order nonlinear response by Optical Kerr Gate

Current interest:OHD-OKE

Sangjun Seok (석상준, 13학기)

Image:Sangjun_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: seainme78(at)
Office: R1020

current interests: soft matter

Seeing is believing

SungHyun Kim (김승현, 7학기)

Image:Rosa_member_image.jpg EMAIL: folium (at)
Office: R1020

BA, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, 2006, Physics and Korean Study
MA, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, 2006, Interdiciplinary Program of Integated Biotechnology

MA Thesis topic: Single-Molecule Fluorescence Study on the Filament Dynmaics of RecA

Current interests : Single-molecule biophysics, Fluorescence spectroscopy, Molecular biology

Seoncheol Cha (차선철, 2학기)

Image:Sunchul_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: sunchul(at)
Office: R1020

BA, Sogang Univeristy, 2008, Physics & Interdisciplinary Program of Intergrated Biotechnology
MA, Sogang University, 2010, Physics
MA thesis topics : Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Study on some Aqueous Solutions

current interests: Physical Phenomena in Fluorescence & Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Master's degree Students

woong-mo Sung (성웅모, 4학기)

Image:Woongmo_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: dandyswm(at)
Office: R1020

current interests: nonlinear optical spectroscopy: using sum frequency generation to define the structure of Langmuir monolayer on solution of water and electrolytes.

Hyeon-gi Shin (신현기, 4학기)

Image:Hyeongi_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: shk-225(at)
Office: R1020

current interests: quantum optics - interference with a photon pair




Image:Zaure_profile_image.jpg EMAIL: zaureshka87(at)
Office: R1020

Joined group : Sep 2010
Current interest:

Takkyoon Ahn

File:Tak profile image.jpg EMAIL: takkyoon (at) gmail dot com
Office: R1020

Joined group : Jan 2011
Current interest: Biophysics


강명균 (MS. in 2001)

Thesis topic: Generation of white-light continuum by condensing pico-second pulse laser with water and heavy water

EMAIL: mkang2(at)
now at 3M

정진호 (MS. in 2002)

Thesis topic: Construction of time-resolved spectroscopic equipment using Ti:Sapphire laser

EMAIL: halfling.jung(at)
now at Toshiba-Samsung Storage Technology

김성호 (MS. in 2003)

Thesis topic: Time-resolved luminescence upconversion

now at Samsung SDI

박경수 (MS. in 2003)

Thesis topic: Air/alcohol-water mixture interfaces studied by Infrared-Visible sum-frequency vibrational spectrscopy

EMAIL: kyungsoowind.park(at)
now at Samsung Electro-Maechanics

정주영 (MS. in 2004)

Thesis topic: Optical Kerr Gate & Optical Heterodyne detected - Optical Kerr Gate의 비교

EMAIL: acooa1(at)
now at Dongwoo Optron

이명희 (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Joined group: 2002
Left group: Dec. 2004

EMAIL: mhlee(at)
now researcher at Konkuk University-Fraunhofer Institute

성재호 (MS. in 2001, Ph.D. in 2007)

MS. thesis topic : 이광자 흡수를 이용한 극초단 펄스 반치폭 측정
Ph.D. thesis topic: Surfaces of several liquids studied by sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy

EMAIL: jaeho.sung (at)
now Postdoc. at U.C. Berkely

서동일 (MS. in 2008)

Thesis topic: Interference with a photon pair from parametric down conversion

EMAIL: inno0000(at)
now at Samsung Techwin

Liao Qinghong (Exchange Student)

Joined group : Sep. 2008
Left group : June 2009

Tae Kyu Shim (심태규, MS. in 2005, Ph.D. in 2009)

MS Thesis topic: Study on the photophysical properties of hemicyanine molecules in several solvents
Ph.D. Thesis topic : Time-resolved fluorescence study of dye molecules in various liquid media and zeolite matrices

EMAIL: kshim(at)
now at Samsung

Yoonnam Jeon (전윤남, MS. in 2005, Ph.D. in 2010)

MS. thesis topic : Bulk and Interfacial properties of air/ionic liquid-water mixture
PhD. thesis tiopic : Unknown
EMAIL: plome2(at)
now at KAIST as a postdoc.

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